Chief Pom Creator
Chief Wellness Officer
Chief Media Officer
Chief Harmony Officer
& Understudy
Chief Angel Officer
Chief Pom Creator
The Pom Pilot was born in West Pom Angeles to very intelligent and accepting parents. Her incredibly creative grandmother gave her the gift of art. A quirky, whimsical child, who grew into a quirky, sparkly adult, The Pom Pilot is the creator of the Pom Universe. A benevolent and magical being, the Pom Pilot loves spa days, fancy dinner with friends dressed in sparkly clothes, creating art, and her dog, Noodle. She is also a huge fan of the rest of the members of the critically important and brilliantly talented Pom Team.
Chief Wellness Officer
Noodle is the top canine in the office and is respomsible for keeping Pom morale high, nerves steady, and creativity flowing. Noodle provides much-needed relaxation reminders, cuddles, and mini-therapy sessions throughout the day. An expert as snorting, mushing, and taking notes, she is also highly organized and supervises much of the daily operations of Pom HQ.
Chief Media Officer
Brandy handles all pommunications, interweb offerings, and is highly skilled at making To Do lists that are then triaged to the Pom Pilot through Noodle. A sparkle-kindred to the CPC, Brandy brings the Pom vision to life through all forms of media and is a multi-talented writer, director, photographer, videographer, archivist, and wearer-of-watermelon-sweaters and pea coats. She enables the Pom Pilot to share the creation that is Pom 365 with the world.
Chief Harmony Officer & Understudy
Tiger is in charge of all of the musical harmony in the pommunications that go out to the world. A singer, songwriter, guitar-player, and five ‘o clock-shadowed-being, Tiger creates the soundtrack for all of Pomanity. Filled with natural Pom-creating ability, he is also the Understudy for the Pom Pilot in case a Pom needs to be created when the Pom Pilot is indisposed. A true right-hand-Pom, Tiger is an integral supporter of Pom 365.
Chief Angel Officer
Grandma is the magical, divine being who taught the Pom Pilot how to create art and how to bejewel things. The eternal guardian of the Pom Pilot, Grandma flies around the heavens making sure that great pomportunities present themselves while also serving as sparkly inspiration for the creation of all Pomanity. Grandma is a constant, loving, and positive presence, famous for such quotes as “You are as graceful as the bird they call the elephant” and “Do you want a hunk of cheese?” Love her.