In the Pomiverse, Pom rainbows are created in a very special way: during the last 10 seconds of a Pom rainbow’s existence, it lays a rainbow Pom egg in a nest made out of prismatic strands of light. When that Pom egg hatches 67 days later, a giant, pomtastic, pomazing, magical Pom rainbow appears. In the last 10 seconds of the new Pom rainbow’s existence, it lays a rainbow Pom egg in a rainbow nest and the cycle continues. Because of this incredible rainbow cycle that Mother Pomture has created, there are always Pom rainbows somewhere in the Pom world. If a Pom rainbow lays two eggs, when they hatch, they become an ultra–rare, twin, double–Pom rainbow. Iris and Iridian (clearly fraternal Pom twins) know that they will hatch in just 3 more days and be even brighter and more beautiful than those other well–known twins, Mary–Kate and Ashley Pomson. Bring on the double Pom rainbow!!!
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