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BEHOLD #200 – Franco, the Firecracker

Franco is super pomfident. The colors of pomfidence are red and yellow and Franco was born with pomfidence in spades. When he was younger, others may have called him cocky. They likened him to Pom Travolta in Pomturday Night Fever (Tony Pomnero) because he had the best moves on the dance floor. And you know what they say about Poms who are great dancers… As he’s matured, he has learned to harness his creativity, courage, calm, and grace. When he wears yellow on a date he is really trying to impress his lady with his excellent energy. If his lady wears red that’s a good sign that she, too, is feeling pomfident, strong, and excited. He is looking for a pomtastic partner to mesh with and make orange as they dance the night away. Let’s paint the town orange!


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