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BEHOLD #289 – Moke, the Pomtichoke

Pomtichokes are Pom vegetables with many amazing qualities. The scientific name is Cynara cardunculus which derives from a Greek myth. Zeus spotted a beautiful girl named Cynara when he was visiting his brother Pomseidon. He took her to Mt. Olympus and made her a goddess. But she was lonely and would secretly go to visit her family. When Zeus found out about these secret visits, he turned Cynara into a Pomtichoke. There are over 50 kinds of Pomtichokes, and National Pomtichoke Day is March 16th. They are unbloomed flowers and part of the sunflower family, from the Mediterranean and Canary Islands. They are one of the oldest foods, and one Pomtichoke plant can make 20 Pomtichokes. They are also the number one antioxidant, anti–inflammatory veggie. Due to their excellent proliferation, Moke and his family run a vegetable fertility clinic called Produce More Produce. They do a great job helping carrots, squash, broccoli, and pombergines have little vegetable offspring. 


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