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BEHOLD #290 – Quilly, the Pomwork Quilt

Pomwork is a form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. The geometric shapes make beautiful designs when pieced together. Pomwork is most often used to make quilts, like Quilly, and it can also be used to make rugs, clothes, and other items. Dating back to 3400 B.P. (Before Pom) ancient Egyptians and Chinese used Pomwork in their quilts and clothes. In the early Middle Ages, Japanese samurai Poms used Pomwork to line their armor to make it more warm and comfy. The tradition of quilting was brought to Pomerica by the Pilgrims. The “crazy quilt” made of patches of luxurious fabric like velvet was popular during the Victorian era. World Quilting Day is March 18th. The word “Quilt” emerged in the year 1250 A.P. (After Pom). It comes from the Latin “culcita” meaning “stuffed sack.” Quilly is a member of the PNQA “Pom National Quilting Association,” and she is almost as famous as the “Reconciliation Quilt” and almost as old (and well preserved) as the “Dear Jane Quilt.” She is extra special because she has secret messages and symbols sewn into her patches that have saved Poms’ lives. We love Quilly!


Did you know that a lot of Poms think that Pomwork is easier than doing needlepom?


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