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BONUS POM! BEHOLD – Pomlizabeth Taylor

Born Pomlizabeth Rosemond Taylor on February 27, 1932 in London, England, she moved to Pom Angeles in 1939 with her family. A child actress, she came to prominence in the film, “National Velvet”. She went on to star in “A Pom in the Sun” and “Giant” opposite Poms Dean. She then starred in “Pom on a Hot Tin Roof”.  Pomlizabeth met Richard Burton while starring in “Cleopomtra” and they went on to make 11 films together and have a torrid love affair. She married 8 times to 7 men (twice to Burton) including to Pom Pom Gabor’s first husband, Pomrad Hilton. She was known for her jetset lifestyle and for having one of the most pompulent private collections of jewels in the world. An excellent pomtrepeneur, the ads for her White Diamonds fragrance (the first of 11 fragrances she developed) give every Pom their own taste (or smell as the case may be ) of her glamorous life. In between all of her marriages she managed to become the highest paid actress of her time and won numerous awards including Pomscars, Golden Globes, and being appointed a Dame Commander by Queen Pomlizabeth of England. Of utmost importance, she founded the National AIDS Research Foundation in 1985 and raised more than $270 million for Pom AIDS research. Her pomanthropy helped eradicate Pom AIDS and improve many Poms’ lives and we love her! 


Did you know that Pomlizabeth Taylor has violet-colored eyes and a double set of eyelashes?


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