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POM 365 + Bonus Poms
Pom 365 is my year-long commitment to making pom pom art every single day.
Behold every Pom I’ve created from day one until today:

BEHOLD – The Emerald Dragon
Behold The Emerald Dragon! The Pom Pilot's most spectacular dragon in a series of three
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BEHOLD – The Amethyst Dragon
Behold The Amethyst Dragon! The Pom Pilot's second dragon in a series of three

BEHOLD – The Sapphire Dragon
Behold The Sapphire Dragon! The Pom Pilot's first dragon in a series of three

BEHOLD #364 – Enchantrika, the Fairy Pom Mother
Enchantrika comes to Poms when they are in need of support and magic. She is a trusted friend who uses her powers to ensure that Poms...

BEHOLD #356 – Pomtasia
She is an experiment in whimsy. She is electric fantasy. She is courageous color and dreams expanded. Pomtasia is pomsibility fulfilled....

BEHOLD #141 – Kaleidopom
A Kaleidopom is a reflecting instrument with two or more mirrors or reflective surfaces angled in such a way as to produce symmetrical...

BEHOLD #103 – Joan and her magic phone
Joan is from a special land called Signal Land. There, with her silver head antenna, she can pick up the signal of anyone who needs some...

BEHOLD #74 – The Ever-Amazing, Ever-Incredible Evergreen Pom
This magic Pom bestows evergreen properties on whomever meets his gorgeous, green gaze. So, lucky you will be renewed, refreshed, and...
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BEHOLD #68 – Brenda Etoille Madison-Winter
She is the most talented Pom in the world. You name it, she can do it – singing, dancing, acting, she has her pilot’s license, she scuba...

BEHOLD #62 – Pomby The Genie
Over his 5,000 years of existence, Pomby travelled from Pomistan to Pomrabia to Pom Beach, where he stayed with his good friend Pombra...

BEHOLD #58 – Odin, Chief of the Pomans
Odin practices the mystical, magical art of Pomanism. He can heal the sick, communicate with those who have departed from this plane of...
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BEHOLD #56 – Pomtryoshka dolls
Designed by Sergey Pomutin in the 1890’s, they symbolize little mothers. So, the names of these Pomtroyshka, or “nesting dolls” are Sugar...
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BEHOLD #55 – Kevin Beacon
The always welcome and inspiring Beacon of Joy and Good Cheer. He reminds us to be Footloose and fancy free and that all it takes to turn...

BEHOLD #52 – Pom Thing
Born Alec Pomand, this mild-mannered scientist was working in the Acme Goo Facility developing a top-secret formula for curing all of the...

BEHOLD #49 – Master Centauri, The Japanese Spirit Turtle
Known for his longevity, and good luck, he gives sage advice to all of the creatures of the land - and he likes to eat tons of cotton...
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BEHOLD #45 – Zeus McQueen Redford Di Caprio Pitt, The God of Luck, Charm, and Riches
He needs five arms so he can carry all of the wealth bestowed upon him by the universe. His giant smile is enhanced by his giant veneers...

BEHOLD #44 – Pom Pom Izakaya, aka Fishhead Izzy
He loves truffle oil on his double crab rolls and hanging out with his best fish buds, Stay, Drink, and Place. Why do they perch on his...

BEHOLD #43 – Neville Hawkeye Pierce, Wizard of All that is Possible and Magic in the Universe
He loves his conversations with the owls, dragons, and ancient trees in the Forrest of Eternal Nothingness. He also loves doing mushrooms...

BEHOLD #38 – Princess Rainbow Aurora Miller, née Joan Miller
She changed her name to Princess Aurora after spending a weekend tuned in, turned on, and dropped out with Timothy Leary. After repeating...

BEHOLD #35 – Serenity Starburst Love
She appears when one’s Orange sacral chakra is activated. She symbolizes creativity and sexual energy. Therefore, she loves to create...
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