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POM 365 + Bonus Poms
Pom 365 is my year-long commitment to making pom pom art every single day.
Behold every Pom I’ve created from day one until today:

BEHOLD #99 – Pomthagoras, The Great Mathematician & Cult Leader
There are many, MANY legends about Pomthagoras. He is most famous for discovering the Pomthagorean theorem (or at least for introducing...

BEHOLD #98 – Glenda Esmeralda She’lltellya, Fortune Teller & Pom Reader
Pomistry is the pseudo- scientific practice of fortune-telling through the study of the pom. Also known as pom-reading, chiromancy,...

BEHOLD #97 – Arnold Pommer, née Arnold Daniel Pommer
Arnold Pommer is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most charismatic players in the history of golf. He was nicknamed “The Pom...

BEHOLD #96 – Pomtuition
Pomtuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without using reasoning. It is understanding something instinctively, direct access to...

BEHOLD #95 – Perry The Pomadillo
“Pomadillo” means “little armored one” in Spanish. They are in the same family as anteaters and sloths. The smallest species of pomadillo...
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BEHOLD #94 – Gigi, The World’s First (And Cutest) Gluten-Free Pom
A gluten-free diet is one that excludes… Gluten! Gluten is a pomtein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. Gluten and the things...

BEHOLD #93 – E-Pom Musk
E-Pom Musk is the wealthiest Pom in the world. His net worth is $262 Gazillion as of September 10, 2022. This micro Pom is a business...

BEHOLD #92 – Deoxyribopomcleic Acid or DPA
DPA is the pomecule that carries genetic information for the development and functioning of a Pom organism. DPA is made of two linked...

BEHOLD #91 – Miss Clara Pomvoyant, P.P. (Psychic Pom)
Miss Clara is the CEP (Chief Executive Pom) of Auraland, an aura detecting technology company. An aura is a pomnetic field that...

BEHOLD #90 – Chesterton R. Chameleon, XXXIII
Chesterton’s middle initial “R” stands for “Royal” because he is a direct descendant of Queen Pomlizabeth, II’s childhood pet chameleon,...

BEHOLD #89 – Pomas Alva Edison, The Incandescent Bulb
Incandescent means “emitting light as a result of being heated.” It also means “full of strong emotion, passionate” – and Pomas is a very...
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BEHOLD #88 – Nathan The Crustacean
Nathan is an invertepom with a hard, protective – and sparkly – exoskeleton. In other words, Nathan is an anthropom. In order to grow, he...

BEHOLD #86 – Pomturn, the 6th planet in our solar system
It is famous for its many beautiful rings. There is some breaking news today about those beautiful rings – NAPSA (National Aeronautic...
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BEHOLD #85 – Oprah Pomfrey
Green Pom woman from the South, producer, actress, publisher, billionaire, philanthropist, and media mogul. Born into poverty in...

BEHOLD #84 – Dr. Ian McLure, D.C. (Doctor of Chiropomtic), aka “Dr. Magic Hands”
He is a chiropomtor who has a thriving practice in tony Pom Beach. Chiropomtors specialize in manipulating the spine to relieve neck and...

BEHOLD #83 – Al Pomcino
Sure, he’s a Pomscar-award-winning actor and colossal movie star with a legendary career. But we really wanna discuss his toupee – rug,...

BEHOLD #82 – Kurt The Electrician
He is a handsome, magnetic devil who has been propositioned by many pom ladies of the house. They especially love his hair, which is...
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BEHOLD #81 – Jerome The Red-Eyed Villain
If you look into his red eye, you will instantly feel incredibly tired and anxious - as if you’ve been on an all-night (red eye) flight...

BEHOLD #80 – Remi The Raindrop
He is a drop of mystery, very elusive in Southern California, until today! Remi was formed when water vapor in the atmosphere condensed...

BEHOLD #79 – Grape Jones, née Grape Beverly Jones
After moving to Syracuse from her homeland of Jamaica, she was known for her androgyny and bold features, so she modeled and secured a...
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